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Monday, February 25, 2008

Water - The Miracle Substance

Water is the essence of life. Our body is made up of about 70% water and earth is also about 70% water. Pure clean water is essential for health. Unfortunately pure water is becoming a thing of history. Billions of people in the world do not have access to clean water. In the US clean water has become a commodity with corporations buying up sources of clean water so they can resell to the public. Lakes and streams are becoming a concoction of chemical/hormonal soup. Species living in this soup are being transformed in to biological monsters. Frogs with two bodies and one head, turtles with two heads, fish becoming unisex...all due to the fertilizers, toxic chemicals, heavy metals and hormones (like estrogen from birth control pills and Premarin) from the human waste system.

Water is too important to pollute as we do. To try and protect themselves, we purchase Reverse Osmosis (RO) sytems, filtering devices, water distillation systems and retail bottled water all in an effort to consume clean water. People drinking water out of plastic bottles may very well be harming their health, rather than helping it. The chemicals used to make the plastic bottles can leach into the water, especially if it has been exposed to heat or sunlight. By refilling the bottles more than once the danger of chemicals leaching is greatly increased. Some of the effects of this leaching may include elevated levels of estrogenic (feminizing) molecules and carcinogenic (cancer causing) molecules.

One danger I saw with my patients were those having a water distilling equipment. One patient only drank distilled water. She would not consider any other source of water regardless the amount of effort made to try and convince her otherwise. Now distilled water is "pure" water, ie. two molecules of hydrogen and one molecule of oxygen, with all other solutes (solids) removed. By distilling you remove all or most of the minerals and other organic molecules in the water. The patient that I referred to above and the vast majority of "distilled" water which you purchase put the distilled water in plastic containers. Now the scientific law of osmosis kicks in.

Osmosis is when you have fluid separated by a permeable membrane. The natural law of osmosis states that when water is divided by a permeable membrane (plastic container), the highest amount of molecules will flow through the membrane to the water with a lesser amount of molecules (distilled water) in order to balance the solids (osmoles) on both sides. Nature loves things to be balanced.

So if you have distilled water (zero or near zero solid molecules) and the plastic membrane of the bottle (mucho solid molecules), chemicals within the plastic will leach out into the distilled water in an effort to "balance" the two sides. In other words the molecules will flow from the area of higher density into an area of lower density. Thus distilled water in plastic container is a chemical soup from the plastic container.

Also, distilled water will leach vitamins and minerals from the body when consumed. If a person drinks only distilled water (as my patient did) they could become deficient in vitamins and minerals. Now, if you are doing a detox program or spring cleaning, distilled water is great for "de-toxing". It will, through osmosis, pull toxins out of the system so it can be eliminated by the kidneys or liver. I recommend to drink pure distilled water for only two weeks or less while detoxing (and only if the water is made at home in a distiller and not stored in plastic containers or purchased in glass containers).

Now water has a "signature". It vibrates at specific frequencies. The shape of the water crystals can be affected by most everything. Japanese researcher Mr. Masaru Emoto has published an important book, "The Message from Water" from the findings of his worldwide research. If you have any doubt that your thoughts affect everything in, and around you, the information and photographs that are presented here, taken from the book of his published results, will change your mind and alter your beliefs, profoundly.

What Mr. Emoto did was take different sources of water, freeze it and then photograph the crystal formed. He found water which is pure (without pollutants) and water in which positive thoughts were directed at it, has beautiful, sharply formed crystals. Water which was from polluted sources or those in which negative thoughts were directed at it, had mis-formed, badly formed crystals or were simply "mush". If what he has shown is true, then water is a "living" constituent and how we drink water is as important as the "type" of water.

Please go to the following website to access information about Mr. Emoto's surprising works with water molecules and see the photographs which he and his researchers have taken: http://www.life-enthusiast.com/twilight/research_emoto.htm.

The more we learn the more surprising life really is. Water really is the essence of life.

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