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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Vitamin D Supplementation Associated With Reduced Cardiovascular Risk

There is a simple blood test which your doctor can order for you to determine your Vitamin D level. Have this done and if your levels are lower than the range, then supplement with Vitamin D-3 under the guidance of your doctor, preferably a Naturopathic doctor who understands supplementation.
Dr. Mike

By Walter Alexander

ATLANTA -- March 22, 2010 -- Vitamin D supplementation should be considered for individuals with deficient levels, based on evidence that normalising those levels reduces cardiovascular risk, researchers said here at the 59th Annual Scientific Sessions of the American College of Cardiology (ACC).

Joseph Muhlestein, MD, Intermountain Medical Center, Murray, Utah, and colleagues analysed data from 27,686 Utah residents who were followed for an average of 1.3 years. Data showed that patients with very low levels of vitamin D were 77% more likely to die, 45% more likely to develop coronary artery disease, and 78% more likely to have a stroke, as compared with individuals with normal vitamin D levels.

To test for causality, Dr. Muhlestein evaluated data from 9,491 of these patients with low initial vitamin D levels and with at least 1 recorded follow-up level. A total of 4,507 (47% of individuals) increased their vitamin D level to >30 ng/mL.

An adjusted Cox regression analysis tested for association between last follow-up vitamin D levels and death, coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction (MI), congestive heart failure (CHF), stroke, and renal failure.

Significant differences in coronary artery disease (P = .04), heart failure (P = .04), and renal failure (P = .0001) were found when patients with very low vitamin D levels (10-19 ng/mL; n = 1,256) were compared with those with higher levels (>= 44 ng/ml ; n = 1,670). A strong trend towards increased death was also revealed (P = .06).

"Our data suggest that normalising deficient vitamin D levels is associated with reduced cardiovascular risk and suggest confirmation through clinical trials," said Dr. Muhlestein.

He noted further that a randomised National Institutes of Health primary prevention trial is ongoing with subjects receiving 2000 IU/day of vitamin D. He cautioned in an interview, however, that sometimes patients who are deficient need up to 5000 IU/day to normalise their vitamin D levels.

[Presentation title: Supplementing Deficient Vitamin D Levels is Associated with Reduced Cardiovascular Risk]

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