How the new health care bill will work as so written.
Bolding and italicizing by editor.
by, Judy Moriarity - This is the information you need to TRULY understand the 'hidden' life-altering details, of this so-called Health Reform Bill - in reality it has little to do with providing quality -affordable care, and everything to do with sweetheart deals, worked out months ago with Big Pharma - Insurance Companies - Hospitals - HMOs - and dozens of lobbyists. Left out are the people - who bear the brunt of obscene costs. Doctors pay special heed to last paragraphs, describing laws already passed in an unrelated bill and how it will greatly affect your practice and decisions for your patients.
- Thus far (in the Senate Bill alone), there are 2,074 plus pages. The printed bill weighs 70.8 lbs = $1.2 bill per page. The lobbying (67 Lobbyists for every legislator!) has won all they've sought. Monies spent $3.3 billion. Our newest form of 'representative democracy' are these sweetheart deals worked out (buying votes) behind closed doors.
- Senator Baucus of Montana, who had doctors/nurses arrested (March) when the supposed 'everybody at the table' hearings went on, got special favors for his citizens. In Libby Montana, there are many asbestos related illnesses, due to the mining there. These sick citizens, will be granted 'special access to Medicare benefits, that are not available to other states, who are suffering the toxic pollutants of corporate hucksters (chemical plants, mega dumps, incinerators, coal plants etc).
- Phew, and to think, the mining company might have had to pay these health costs. Per usual, taxpayers will instead pay the bill.Nebraska - Massachusetts - Vermont- Louisiana have been given more Medicaid monies than other states. Millions more. Folks in Florida, will receive special attentions to their Medicare Advantage plans (covers extra costs). What about Arizona? Oh yeah, we have two bought for and paid in full Senators of the Insurance Companies Kyle and McCain. Editor
- Nebraska has the rest of us picking up their Medicaid costs - for life! There's not a single thing in this 'reform' that will actually deliver a single medical treatment or surgery. Except for Senator Sanders of Vermont. He thought of the people in his request for funding of clinics across the nation. Clinics were people aren't put in a beggarly position in seeking help. Maybe we should have a bidding process instead of elections? We'd sure make out better - we couldn't do worse.
- This 'reform' is just more money, in the form of higher premiums (millions of more customers) to insurance companies. The people - unable to afford Cadillac coverage, will get Medicaid on steroids. Having (gov coverage) doesn't mean you can get health care. If you've never been on cannery row - with a toothache or strep throat, looking for a dentist/doctor; who will take your 'po' man's card' - you soon will. Big deal. So 30 million more will get a Masters of the Universe Health Card. Take that to your dialysis treatment. That's what your junk coverage will look like. You dragging up one street after another looking for care.
- And you can't blame the doctors with ten plus years of education/training. We only pay gladiator sports figures - golfers - rappers - loud mouth TV/radio jocks -silicon inflated, air head starlets, military contractors, and politicians the big money. Washington shills, while seeing to their own salaries, with yearly cost of living increases - pensions - life long (Cadillac taxpayer subsidized health insurance - lots of choices, no worry over pre-existing conditions) lobbying jobs for family members etc --don't feel that physicians, many with huge loans to repay, are deserving of adequate pay for their work. Heck Rostenskowski (felon) is laying back on easy street with his $176,000 pension. While a few bucks more in SS will break the bank, (not trillions to the banksters) Rostenskowski is getting (they all do) a $9,000 dollar COST OF LIVING increase. They get these yearly. While the people on fixed incomes (social Security) will received no cost of living increase next year! Editor
- There will be just two National Private Plans - one a non-profit, overseen by the Office of Regulatory Management. Senate leadership reports, that states will have to police any problems.. Good luck. California was not able to perform when battling Anthem BlueCross when they denied coverage to 1,770 policy holders.
- It was a no-win(cost wise) for California, as Blue Cross had the right to contest 'each' case individually. This would have tied up the courts for years. Instead (yawn) they were fined a mere million - walking around money for these bloated charlatans.
- "We're right in the middle of a /&%#!+ reptile zoo and somebody's giving booze to the GD things!" Hunter Thompson
- Aren't you sick and tired of being compared to a car (buying insurance). Politicians tell us that this 'mandate' is the same thing! Not one state requires everybody to buy auto insurance. There are states that require people who 'wish' to operate a licensed vehicle on public roads to buy insurance.
- AARP got themselves a billion in extra Medicaid payments. Doctors/hospitals in Montana - North Dakota - South Dakota (gang who met in secret) Utah; will get paid extra monies under a special formula in the bill. This bill is not about 'health reform' - but a massive expansion of new customers for the insurance industry. Millions of 'mandated' customers will see a great expansion of insurance companies profits. Insurance companies will see tax credits directly payable to them/400 billion transferred to insurance companies. President Obama meantime announced that he is standing up to the special interests.
- Huh? There will be no public option - no Medicare buy-in. This was no deal anyway, with an individual paying $7,500, and a couple $15,500.00. There is no tort reform, and the insurance companies will continue to be exempt from anti-trust laws. Medications will continue to skyrocket as re-importation of drugs from Canada is out. Broken hip - take two aspirins and stay off that leg.
- Thus, drugs manufactured here and sent to Canada, will not be re-imported which would save citizens millions, if not billions per year. We will continue to pay 6-10 times for more drugs than the other industrialized nations. While this is being made to look like an act of Congress - in fact, this deal, was hammered out in July-Aug 2009, with the real wheelers & dealers in this 'health' bill - (White House health advisory staff).
- The only 'reform' in this bill (unread); is the mandated millions, who will be forced to buy 'junk (poor quality) insurance. Sort of like presenting your child's Spider Man Club Membership for services. Good luck. This mandated collection of monies will be the job of the IRS - with those citizens who refuse, suffering fines (increased in this bill). Citizens will be forced to pay 8% of their income (so far) to private insurance companies, whether they want to or or not. Of course unlike the well paid (full Cadillac coverage) political hacks in Washington (yearly raises); out here in the real world - wages have stagnated.
- Temporary work at $8-$10 bucks an hour isn't living - its trying to exist. Vacations in Hawaii - Martha's Vineyard - river rafting, Yellowstone, etc. Not out here. Few now get vacations. Sick time? While Senator Kennedy was paid in full for his two years of illness - work a day people go to work sick. To get a day off means a doctors excuse. Cost, $91.00 for that office visit.
- Perverse times we live in. War = Peace Prize, and the forced payment of an inferior product = freedom. Paid for by taxes (lots of them) on the middle class. The insurance plan you have now, through your employer, will most likely cause them to cut back (due to costs) on benefits, increase co-payments. While these taxes start as soon as the President signs this 'bill' - benefits ( such as they are) will not be realized until 2014. What's the bum's rush?
- For us - this is comparable to paying multiple taxes on a used Corvair ($578 billion in new taxes according to Chief Accuracy -Congressional Budget Office); and not being able to drive it. In the meantime, you'll be paying registration, inspection fees, insurance and gas. * Medicare will be cut by some $500 billion. This is called 'savings & addressing waste' by the pro-reform folks. I'm still wondering where the $2.3 TRILLION, that Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld said couldn't be accounted for (Defesne Dept), on Sept 10,2001? In the tragedy of Sept 11 - nobody thought to look into this?? TRILLIONS!!
- Monies for home health care will be cut along with money for hospice care. Others - with more common sense, see it for the rationing it is. Drug companies - besides benefiting from no re-importation of drugs - have also gotten an agreement to keep generic version of expensive bio-tech drugs from ever coming to fruition. High costs will prevail.
- The Congressional Budget Office reports that this drug deal (spawned in the White House - July) will save Big Pharma 100 + million over the next decade. Other economists, project these profits could be 4 to 5 times 100 million. Unlike other countries / ours, being a profit driven enterprise, is not about the health of citizens; but more and more profits (new mansions - bonuses -Ivy league colleges for the kids - corporate jets - exotic vacations etc).
- Who can forget President Bush remarking that 'everyone in America has medical care -they have the emergency room.'
- President Bush - like many from wealthy families, or professional politicians, don't have a clue as to life in the real world. He is certainly unaware - that there are documented cases - of people dying while waiting hours and hours for care. One pool soul (age 47) died of an obstructed bowel on the floor of a California ER. The janitor mopped up the blood around her as she lay dying on the floor. The person with cancer, in need of dialysis, an MRI or special treatments etc, isn't going to get it in the ER.
- They sure won't get the heart valve replacement that Barbara Bush (86), received last year (also stomach surgery) - or the specialized treatment of Senator Kennedy/ along with his receiving full pay, for his 2 yrs of sick time. They won't get a month's 'REST' in the hospital like Strom Thurmond or specialized care like Alan Specter - Dodd - Clinton/ in the best of hospitals.
- People in days gone by carried insurance to cover any crisis / i.e. illness, accident, house fire, liability etc. No more.. The insurance companies now have legions of drone workers, whose only job is to deny claims. This is usually done under the guise of some vague pre-existing condition. This can range from having acne in your teenage years to athletes foot. This is comparable to carrying fire insurance on your home - only to be told, when submitting a claim, that it has been brought to their attention (insurance carrier) that neighbors report, that a marsh mellow roast, was held by your son's boy scout troop, in the backyard 15 yrs ago - therefore adding to the risk on your property!
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