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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Life Expectancy Drops To 69.3 Years In The US

Makes a person ashamed of what is going on in the United States!


(Reuters) -- What is the average life expectancy of Americans? For a long time it has been the low seventies for men and upper seventies for women. So it comes as a shock to learn that the average life expectancy for Americans has dropped to 69.3 years, according to the America's Health Rankings report, issued at the American Public Health Association's annual meeting.

This figure is exceeded by 28 other countries, including Britain, France and Germany and is about five years less than the life expectancy in Japan. According to Dr. Reed Tuckson, this dismal number reflects increasing obesity, fewer people quitting smoking (although only 20.8 percent of Americans smoke today, down from almost one-third in 1990), and increasing numbers of people without health insurance. Officials made no mention of the increasing consumption of processed foods containing refined sweeteners, processed vegetable oils and toxic additives, and certainly did not allow even a whisper about the almost complete absence of nutrient-dense foods such as organ meats, shellfish and butterfat and eggs from grass-fed animals from the American diet (December 13, 2005).

Nor does it mention the failure of the health care (sic) system, the
chemicals added into the food system, GMO "Frankenfoods"
in the supermarket with out any scientific testing for harm,
the tainted colorless sky (
chemtrails with barium and aluminum)
and the poisonous water (MBTE, percholrate amongs
other nasties). It
doesn't count the stress that
everyday people are under trying to purchase daily
necessities, the drugs being pumped in to us and
the mercury containing vaccines (thimerosol) which
turn our children into medicated autistic kids.
There is much that lends support to this report and
the situation will only become worse!

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