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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Protect Your Bucket

A story was once told to me, many years ago, which I would like to pass along:

Every person born is born with a full bucket. You can't see the bucket but you carry it around with you each day. The bucket is filled with water which represents your hopes, dreams, goals, self confidence, happiness and all other positive aspects of life. In opposition to water, your bucket is lighter in weight when it is full. As your bucket is depleted the bucket becomes heavier until it is almost impossible to carry when it is empty.

When you live your dreams, hopes, do unto others and live a positive life, your bucket is replenished and the weight remains lite. When you live your life in harming others, harming yourself or simply cut-off from humanity and God, your bucket empties and correspondingly becomes a heavy burden.

Now there are people in our lives who have depleted their bucket. They are so cut-off from goodness that they can never replenish their bucket, so what they do is begin dipping their cup into the buckets of those around them. This offers them temporary relief, but due to their choices and actions their bucket continues to be depleted and their daily load heavy.

The problem with dipping their cup in some other person's bucket, is the other person's bucket begins to empty and the weight becomes heavier as the person begins losing their hopes, dreams, goals, self confidence and happiness. If the person who's bucket is being dipped is not careful and protective of their bucket, their's too will become empty and their life will fall into chaos and negativity. Their lives will become a burden, empty of all the positive aspects life has to offer. They become a burden.

To sustain themselves, they too will then begin dipping into other's buckets. The results are perpetuated.

The moral of this story is to protect your bucket. Do not allow others to quash your hopes, dreams, goals or self confidence. Don't allow the emotionally needy person, the psychologically unstable, the unconnected person, or the person who intends you harm to drain your bucket.

If you have dreams, follow them to the ends of the universe and don't take away another's dreams, especially children's.

If you have goals in life, go for them with all your ability and enjoy the journey.

Don't allow others to demean you. They do not have the right to do so and you don't deserve it.

Don't allow others to try and delete your self-confidence. This one of the worse actions an adult can do to a child.

Don't allow others to steal your "thunder" in life, each of us are special in our on way. Show your "uniqueness".

Don't allow others to dip their cup in your bucket, live positively and understand that by doing these things your bucket will continue to be full and your life a light unto the world.

1 comment:

Protect Your Rights said...

Excellent article, Dr Mike. Parents should take your article into consideration when interacting with their children. Just because your child's dream is not like yours doesn't give a parent the right to dip in their bucket. Whoopi Goldberg said the worst word you could say to a person was that they were stupid. Calling another person stupid stays with them for a lifetime.

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