The peach, apple and pear trees are blooming in all their fervor and the raspberry plants are in their full white costumes. New birds seems to be arriving each day filling the air with their songs. This morning I watched a very large white egret sitting in a tree breaking small branches off and then taking them into the fir trees to build a nest. Soon, the butterflies will leave this area to begin their annual migration back to the USA and Canada for the summer.
The air is clear and the sky deep blue. Although the air still has a coolness to it, the tropical sun is becoming very strong. Long sleeved shirts are being replaced by short sleeved tee shirts. Here on the lake, the night sky is a brillance of stars and constellations and soft lake breezes as lights from villages flicker across the north shore.
Just as in nature, spring is a time of rising sap which brings growth back into plants, so it is with animals and humans. Your sap is also rising this time of year, awakening your body and spirit for entry into summer; a time of much happening. Traditionally humans would take spring tonics to clear out winter's accumulation of junk and cleanse the blood and liver and prepare for the new season.
Now is the time for cleansing. Of balancing. Some of the activity you may consider include:
- Reduce fat laden winter foods and replace with spring foods, such as salads, greens, fish, clean water. These will reduce the amount of heavy foods and allow quicker colon activity.
- Change your diet from root vegetables (winter foods) to leaf and young vegetables/greens/fruits (spring foods).
- Add lemon or lime to your water to help cleanse the liver. Or alternately drink limonade or limeade once a day.
- Drink red raspberry leaf tea or red clover tea to help cleanse the blood.
- Use Milk Thistle or Silybum capsules to help support the liver.
- Add dandelion leaf to your salads to help move bile from the liver.
- Apple juice will help cleanse the liver also.
- If you live near a colonics clinic, now would be a great time to get a series (4 - 6) colonics to help cleanse the alimentary canal.
- Get out and walk. Walking is great for moving the blood, strengthening the vein valves and moving lymph within the lymphatic system. It also helps balance the spirit and lift moods. Get outside and see the marvels of nature.
- If you live near a massage clinic, now is a great time to have a series of massages, especially "Lymphatic Massage".
- Drink pure fruit juices and fresh, clean water.
- Think positive, happy thoughts
- Open the windows of your home and allow fresh breezes to clear away winter's stuffy air. Breath deeply.
These are steps each of us can take to help balance ourselves with nature. It is a beautiful time of year as the world reawakens. Don't miss out; join it.
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