Monday, February 25, 2008
Water - The Miracle Substance
Water is too important to pollute as we do. To try and protect themselves, we purchase Reverse Osmosis (RO) sytems, filtering devices, water distillation systems and retail bottled water all in an effort to consume clean water. People drinking water out of plastic bottles may very well be harming their health, rather than helping it. The chemicals used to make the plastic bottles can leach into the water, especially if it has been exposed to heat or sunlight. By refilling the bottles more than once the danger of chemicals leaching is greatly increased. Some of the effects of this leaching may include elevated levels of estrogenic (feminizing) molecules and carcinogenic (cancer causing) molecules.
One danger I saw with my patients were those having a water distilling equipment. One patient only drank distilled water. She would not consider any other source of water regardless the amount of effort made to try and convince her otherwise. Now distilled water is "pure" water, ie. two molecules of hydrogen and one molecule of oxygen, with all other solutes (solids) removed. By distilling you remove all or most of the minerals and other organic molecules in the water. The patient that I referred to above and the vast majority of "distilled" water which you purchase put the distilled water in plastic containers. Now the scientific law of osmosis kicks in.
Osmosis is when you have fluid separated by a permeable membrane. The natural law of osmosis states that when water is divided by a permeable membrane (plastic container), the highest amount of molecules will flow through the membrane to the water with a lesser amount of molecules (distilled water) in order to balance the solids (osmoles) on both sides. Nature loves things to be balanced.
So if you have distilled water (zero or near zero solid molecules) and the plastic membrane of the bottle (mucho solid molecules), chemicals within the plastic will leach out into the distilled water in an effort to "balance" the two sides. In other words the molecules will flow from the area of higher density into an area of lower density. Thus distilled water in plastic container is a chemical soup from the plastic container.
Also, distilled water will leach vitamins and minerals from the body when consumed. If a person drinks only distilled water (as my patient did) they could become deficient in vitamins and minerals. Now, if you are doing a detox program or spring cleaning, distilled water is great for "de-toxing". It will, through osmosis, pull toxins out of the system so it can be eliminated by the kidneys or liver. I recommend to drink pure distilled water for only two weeks or less while detoxing (and only if the water is made at home in a distiller and not stored in plastic containers or purchased in glass containers).
Now water has a "signature". It vibrates at specific frequencies. The shape of the water crystals can be affected by most everything. Japanese researcher Mr. Masaru Emoto has published an important book, "The Message from Water" from the findings of his worldwide research. If you have any doubt that your thoughts affect everything in, and around you, the information and photographs that are presented here, taken from the book of his published results, will change your mind and alter your beliefs, profoundly.
What Mr. Emoto did was take different sources of water, freeze it and then photograph the crystal formed. He found water which is pure (without pollutants) and water in which positive thoughts were directed at it, has beautiful, sharply formed crystals. Water which was from polluted sources or those in which negative thoughts were directed at it, had mis-formed, badly formed crystals or were simply "mush". If what he has shown is true, then water is a "living" constituent and how we drink water is as important as the "type" of water.
Please go to the following website to access information about Mr. Emoto's surprising works with water molecules and see the photographs which he and his researchers have taken:
The more we learn the more surprising life really is. Water really is the essence of life.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Goofy Medical/Health Headlines
- "Cancer is a Fungus", "Cancer is a Bacterium" and Hulda Clarke states "Cancer is Caused by Parasites"... OK...which is it? What about radiation, toxic chemicals and other environmental causes?
- Estrogen may make women more vulnerable to mental this why middle aged men have their crisis?
- Lipitor Ad Doctor Uses Body Double...another lie perpetuated by the statin pharmaceuticals. The rowing and running by Dr. Jarvik in the commercial were done with a body double.
- Aspartame Tied To Diabetes, Obesity, High BP, Chol...not including aspartames linked to neurological pathologies, the list just keeps a-growin' for this mighty fine sweetener.
- Diabetes Study Halted After Treatment Increases Risk of Death...the study compared one group of diabetics which controlled their fasting blood sugar strictly to thedoctor recommened level to another group of diabetics which did not control their FBS strictly. After a while the group who strictly controlled their blood sugar were dying off in much greater statistical numbers than the group who loosely controled their blood sugar. So much for the scientific method of medicine.
- Man's Death Linked To Ear Cotton Swab Use...he must have been saving time by cleaning both ears at once... he must have stuck it from one ear to the other to clean. Remember, nothing smaller than your elbow may be placed in your ear.
- HIV Passed Mother-To-Child Via Pre-Chewed God! How many mothers feed their infants in this manner? What are we...birds? The next thing you know mothers will start breast feeding their babies!
- Science Admits Rife's Brilliance Can Destroy Viruses...most people have never heard of Dr. Raymond Rife. He was curing cancer in the 1930's until the AMA moved after him for cutting in on their "Cut, Poison and Burn" cancer technique. Now he's being vindicated , long after his suicide in the 1940's. Google "Raymond Rife" and learn about this amazing man and how the AMA destroyed him for healing cancer patients. AMA oath, "Thou may not "cure" cancer except by "Cut, Poison or Burn".
- Scots Doctors Treat MS Sufferers With Cannabis...hey I'm going to Scotland for treatment of my..uh hum...MS.
- Cancer Cells Scream When Exposed To Infrared...just like humans do!
- Addicts Get Free Drugs For Staying Clean...does this sound like a good treatment plan? Let's keep 'em coming back! We can get 'em off their drugs and onto our drugs...Think of the money we can make with the repeat business...
- GM Crops Forced On Iraq ...Monsanto Can Sue Poor Farmers! ...another "benefit" of the democracy we have imposed on them. "Welcome to a free society, Iraq!"
- Scientists Create First Mouse That Can Catch Colds... another of our useless "scientific breakthroughs". Now mice can not only be tortured in their lab, they can also now be subjected to the human cold! Wonderful.
- Smoking may raise risk of colon polyps...exactly, where are putting those cigarettes?
- Breast cancer often not ultimate cause of death...this is true...the ultimate cause of all deaths is heart failure!
- Icy Hot patches recalled after burns...Okay, everyone should join the lawsuit and sue the company for only providing half of the product!
- Herbal supplements linked to cancer in 2 men...Okay, everbody panic! 2 men died trying some sexual stimulant for erections but please do not notice the 106,000 people killed each year by medicines prescribed by medical doctors! Repeat after me... "Concentrate on the herbal supplement dangers", yessiree we gotta protect them "true" doctors.
- Flu Shots Target Wrong Strain But Still Worth Having Says ... "Yep, gotta use up that stock of useless vaccines!"
These are some of the "headlines " that caught my eye in the last month. I thought you might have a chuckle from them like I did.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
The peach, apple and pear trees are blooming in all their fervor and the raspberry plants are in their full white costumes. New birds seems to be arriving each day filling the air with their songs. This morning I watched a very large white egret sitting in a tree breaking small branches off and then taking them into the fir trees to build a nest. Soon, the butterflies will leave this area to begin their annual migration back to the USA and Canada for the summer.
The air is clear and the sky deep blue. Although the air still has a coolness to it, the tropical sun is becoming very strong. Long sleeved shirts are being replaced by short sleeved tee shirts. Here on the lake, the night sky is a brillance of stars and constellations and soft lake breezes as lights from villages flicker across the north shore.
Just as in nature, spring is a time of rising sap which brings growth back into plants, so it is with animals and humans. Your sap is also rising this time of year, awakening your body and spirit for entry into summer; a time of much happening. Traditionally humans would take spring tonics to clear out winter's accumulation of junk and cleanse the blood and liver and prepare for the new season.
Now is the time for cleansing. Of balancing. Some of the activity you may consider include:
- Reduce fat laden winter foods and replace with spring foods, such as salads, greens, fish, clean water. These will reduce the amount of heavy foods and allow quicker colon activity.
- Change your diet from root vegetables (winter foods) to leaf and young vegetables/greens/fruits (spring foods).
- Add lemon or lime to your water to help cleanse the liver. Or alternately drink limonade or limeade once a day.
- Drink red raspberry leaf tea or red clover tea to help cleanse the blood.
- Use Milk Thistle or Silybum capsules to help support the liver.
- Add dandelion leaf to your salads to help move bile from the liver.
- Apple juice will help cleanse the liver also.
- If you live near a colonics clinic, now would be a great time to get a series (4 - 6) colonics to help cleanse the alimentary canal.
- Get out and walk. Walking is great for moving the blood, strengthening the vein valves and moving lymph within the lymphatic system. It also helps balance the spirit and lift moods. Get outside and see the marvels of nature.
- If you live near a massage clinic, now is a great time to have a series of massages, especially "Lymphatic Massage".
- Drink pure fruit juices and fresh, clean water.
- Think positive, happy thoughts
- Open the windows of your home and allow fresh breezes to clear away winter's stuffy air. Breath deeply.
These are steps each of us can take to help balance ourselves with nature. It is a beautiful time of year as the world reawakens. Don't miss out; join it.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Aspartame- First Class Poison
Aspartame (Equal Sugar Substitute) breaks down into three known toxins.
- Wood Alcohol. This is the stuff "moonshiners" would place in their beverage and was known to cause blindness and ataxia (uncontrolable shakes/tremors). It is a known neuro-toxin (destroys nerves).
- Formic Acid. This is the toxin which fire ants inject for protection when they bite a human. These bites raise blisters and can be quite painful. Enough fireants attacking have been known to kill cattle.
- Formaldehyde. This is, of course, the class of chemicals with which deceased bodies are embalmed. Also these are the chemicals which motor homes and mobile homes often reek of due to the manufacture of plywood and resins used in these "buildings". In New Orleans after several years of occupancy by those displaced by Hurricane Katrina, the US Govt. is now warning the people to evacuate their temporary homes due to formaldehyde off-gassing poison wreaking havoc with the health of the people living in them. Formaldehyde is a known neuro-poison.
Now these three poisons were not placed in the formulation of aspartame by the chemists; they are formed during the digestive process. These are the dangers of this product. The ingredient list on the package do not show these poisons but they are created by the body during digestion. With proper testing by independent researchers (and without political lobbying by Mr. Rumsfeld), the problem with this product could have been identified before its placement on the public market. But thanks to "Mr. Iraq" (Minister of War-Donald Rumsfeld) and his contacts in government, the proper testing was never done by Searle Co. or required by the FDA.
I treated Age Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD) in my Phoenix practice and when I discussed nutrition with each patient, I would ask what type sweetener they used on a regular basis. Almost 100% of each of my ARMD patients indicated, "I only use Equal. I don't use sugar!" You see, as I said previously, Aspartame is a neuro-toxin (especially the Central Nervous System). The CNS includes the brain and spinal cord. The only part of the CNS that can be seen by doctors is the retina. ARMD destroys the part of the retina that is known as the Macula which is a small area of the retina that handles central vision. Thus a destruction of the Macula is macular degeneration. Aspartame (a neuro-toxin), in my opinion, contributes to the destruction of the CNS and can help ARMD develop.
The following is a first hand account of someone who suffered profusely with various neuro degenerative conditions. His doctor(s) were unable to find the cause of his problems and did what they know best: Precribed various drugs! Finally, through his own research and efforts he was able to identify the causes of his problems...Monosodium Glutamate (MSG-to be discussed in a later blog) and Aspartame. As you read this, remember this is a real person, with intelligence and experience who suffered greatly. You may have similar signs and symptoms.. read and learn.
MSG And Aspatame - A Personal Story
Dick Allgire2-11-8
A bill at the Hawaii legislature that would have banned aspartame just sputtered and died. Quoting an email from Dr. Betty Martini:
"Although Rep. Josh Green sympathized with supporters who have been affected by the artificial sweetener aspartame, he was unable to immediately pass a bill that would ban the artificial sweetener aspartame in food products without concrete evidence showing a connection between aspartame and medical ailments. We can't take numerous amounts of products off Hawaii store shelves without evidence of a connection, he said."
Did anyone actually think lawmakers would ban aspartame? They would have to ban about 6,000 food products. Not likely.
I've been a television news reporter for 34 years and I have won the Hawaii Medical Association Distinguished Medical Reporting Award five times. I didn't win those awards for going on TV and telling people how to be healthy. I won the awards for reporting the AMA company line; the newest drugs, the latest surgery, and the most advanced methods of zapping cancer with radiation.
So here's my health story. I suffered from migraines and panic attacks. Doctors prescribed drugs for both conditions.
Since my teenage years I endured excruciating migraines, a type of headache called Cluster Headaches. These are also known as "suicide headaches" because the pain is so intense you want to kill yourself. On many occasions I went nearly delirious with pain and beat on my own head in a frustrated, impotent rage. My doctor told me he knew of a patient who tried to claw his own eye out because of the pain. Imagine an "ice cream headache" -when you drink a very cold, icy drink too fast and have a searing pain for a few seconds. A cluster headache is many times worse than that, but it lasts several hours. For these headaches physicians prescribed opiates and also put me on a cousin of LSD known as Sansert (Methysergide maleate). This drug gives you hallucinogenic dreams. The doctor told me I had to take it. The dreams were really wild, a Technicolor acid trip every night. So my doctor basically prescribed a mild form of LSD to prevent my headaches. What the doctor didn't realize was that cluster migraines are not caused by a lack of Sansert.
Later in my adult life I started getting panic attacks. It is impossible to describe a panic attack. Your heart starts beating out of control, it feels like you cannot get a breath of air into your lungs, and you have a feeling of absolute terror as the more you try to breathe the less you feel like you can get a breath, you lose muscle control and feel like you are going to convulse and drop dead in the next few seconds. It is like someone just injected you with a powerful drug that makes you feel as scared and miserable as is humanly possible. Hence the name Panic.
The panic attacks had me leaving work and fleeing to an emergency room. Doctors assured me I must take Paxil. I asked them about the number of patients on SSRIs who have committed suicide. The doctors assured me that I had to take Paxil or risk a nervous breakdown. What the doctors didn't understand was that panic attacks are not caused by a lack of Paxil. But according to mainstream medicine headaches required the hallucinogenic Sansert and panic attacks called for an SSRI. Take 10 minutes to write a prescription, get the patient out the door, next patient, a new prescription.
I had heard several interviews with Dr. Russell Blaylock and I began to wonder about food additives. So I did my own research. I found out things my doctors didn't know. I read as much as I could find about Asparatame and MSG.
Could Aspartame and MSG have caused my excruciating headaches and paralyzing panic attacks?
I used to drink one diet Pepsi with lunch every day at work. I used to eat sugarless candy containing aspartame. I used to chew sugarless gum, also loaded with aspartame. When I read about this drug and learned that Mr. Donald Rumsfeld helped inflict this poison on society I decided to stop ingesting it. I stopped. Instead of drinking one diet soda per day, I drank water with lunch. I threw out the sugarless candy. I stopped chewing gum. I now read every label of everything I consume. I don't eat aspartame.
MSG was a hard one. It is in everything. I am a vegetarian and I used to cook with a powered vegetable broth that I purchased at my local "health food" store. The main ingredient was "hydrolyzed protein." I looked that one up and discovered it is MSG. MSG has many hidden names. (Do an Internet search for "HIDDEN MSG") Those bastards!
I now make my own vegetable broth. It's easy. Two onions, chopped, three carrots, chopped. One stalk of celery, chopped. Six cloves of garlic. Drizzle some olive oil and toss on some sea salt. Roast in the oven until everything begins to darken and caramelize. Toss the veggies in a pot with about 8 cups of water and simmer for an hour. Strain and you have a great broth for soups, stir-fries, and it has no MSG. Does it take time and effort? Yes. Does it beat writhing on the floor with a pounding, excruciating headache? Absolutely.
I stopped eating at restaurants. This is difficult when you're a news reporter on the go. I take my own food with me. I know about 5 places in Honolulu that don't use MSG. When I go to the grocery it takes longer for me to check out because most of the food I buy does not have a bar code. The checkout clerk is usually bewildered by kale or Swiss Chard and has to look up the code. I buy fresh whole foods. I make just about everything I eat from scratch.
Guess what? I stopped having migraines and panic attacks. Now this is what we call "anecdotal" evidence. It is not a scientific study and no medical claims can be made from my personal testimony. I won't even put this on the local news as a story. But when I eat something with "autolyzed yeast" or "natural flavoring" I get knocked down with terrible headache. I also realized that my heart would race and my breathing would become labored after consuming anything with aspartame, even one diet soda. The more you clean up your diet the more sensitive you become.
Do not wait for the government to take action. Just stop eating these poisons. You are in charge of your own health. No one is going to do it for you. We hear so much about "health care" costs, but think about it- if you are truly healthy you don't need care. There is no cost incurred from health and wellness. Health "care" is Orwellian doublespeak.
Do you think there's going to be Medicare when we grow old?
I don't think so. We're in charge of our own health.
If you are currently using "Equal"/Aspartame...stop! It is a poison that will destroy your health and quality of life. We, the people, must begin to take our health into our hands. We cannot trust the FDA or the govt. to protect us from unscrupulous individuals or corporations. Profit, at the expense of human health, seems to be the process.