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Sunday, January 6, 2008

What is Happening to North Americans Health?

North Americans (U.S.) have with each generation increased life expectancy. Each passing generation could generally expect to live longer and with better health than the preceding generation. I am afraid the "baby-boom generation" will be an exception to history.

Why do I say this?

The "baby-boomer generation", those born between 1946 and 1964, are the first complete generation in which science and allopathic medicine have had unfettered access. This is the first generation to have been exposed to nuclear experiments. In the 1950's atmospheric nuclear blasts were routine in Nevada. The scientist studied the effects of the blast's radiation on the people in the area of the nuclear blasts. They would then study the movement of radiation as it was carried across the country by the prevailing winds. Radiation was such a novelty to those studying the effects thereof that in the 1950's in shoe stores there were little boxes in which you could place your bare feet and actually see the x-ray of the bones in your foot! Wow, free foot x-rays...what a novelty!

I remember as a child in the 1950's and 1960's, the warning from the radio announcer, not to eat the snow which occasionally fell in Atlanta, as it may be radioactive.

We still do not know the full effects of these nuclear tests, except the incidence of cancer rose dramatically in areas affected by these tests.

The "baby-boomers were exposed to a uncontrolled unleashing of chemicals in all aspects of our lives. In the 1950's, Dow Chemical Company ran television ads with the motto of "Better Living Through Chemistry". This was a time after WWII when the US could do no wrong. This was a "go-go" time. Chemicals added to the food supply to keep meat red longer, vegetables to have better taste, food not deteriorate while on store shelves. When it became fashionable to strip all the nutrients from flour and rice (and sell them for other uses), then add back a few vitamins and call it enriched.

A time when chemicals were used to spray for fire ants from airplanes over neighborhoods, malathion aerial spray to control mosquitoes, flies and insects that may harm the farming industry. When after killing all the beneficial insects with aerial spraying farmer then had to spray to kill invasive insects that then took over. Spray to kill weeds and grasses, defoliate plants for easier harvesting, to kill certain fungus's that could occur on plants that were no longer healthy, spray fertilizer on depleted soil all in the name of good science. With all the spraying of chemicals is it not really surprising that farmers die from liver cancer and other cancers, develop Parkinson's disease more readily than non farming workers?

But these chemicals get into the food and water supply and slowly destroy human health and lives.

The baby boomers were the first generation to be inoculated with many improperly tested vaccines. It was felt vaccines would save the world. In some circumstances vaccines have been helpful. But what it does is to circumvent the body's on ability to deal with diseases and long term reduces the effectiveness of the immune system. Many of the diseases from which vaccines are to protect us are diseases that are mild in duration and the immune system would prevent further infection naturally. Now, medical science are making even more vaccines mandatory on the population. A child born today will need over 35 vaccines by his/her fourth year to meet the medical requirements set by doctors and schools. It forbodes a further destruction of the current young people.

Stress has played a large part in the baby boomers lives. Starting in the 1950's nuclear war became a distinct possibility. The Soviet Union was determined to destroy our country! I remember in elementary school of having drills to hide under the desk in case of a nuclear attack by the Russian Bear. Like the desk was going to protect you in case of nuclear war! The 1962 Cuban Missile Crises. I grew up in Atlanta and it was told to us that if the Soviet Union were to launch the missiles toward us, we would be incinerated within an hour. I remember as a 11 year old, one evening, going out to the front yard and watching the sunset thinking it would be my last. I felt sad watching the sun set. Then there were the race riots of the summers of 1964 - 1968 as civil rights were fought to bring down the Jim Crowe Laws. Viet Nam wasted no time in becoming a major issue for the boomers. Some were drafted and went and fought an unpopular war, others stayed behind to protest and try and bring an end to it. We lived with the assassinations of John Kennedy, Malcom X, Martin Luther King, Jr., Bobby Kennedy. On and on stress of surviving confronted the boomer generation.

Presently there is a "so called" war on terror. This new stressor comes complete with "easy to understand" color coded "threat levels" to ensure Americans, who might believe such childishness, will continue to live their lives afraid and depending on "Big Brother" to protect them from "all the terrorists".

The assault on citizens by the government continues.

After a life time of the physical and mental stressors listed above, new diseases began appearing in the 1970's. Disease conditions such as herpes, HIV, Autisim in children (naturally treated with anti-psychotic drugs since autism must be a deficiency of Prozac), hepatitis C, West Nile Virus, flesh eating staph, Bird Flu, untreatable TB, rare cancers that exploded such as renal carcinoma, lymphatic cancers, immune suppressed diseases such as SLE, IgG deficiency, and obesity.

Is there any reason not to understand what has happened to the health of the people in the US?

In future topics I will discuss these life conditions in further detail.

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