Christmas, 2008.
Merry Christmas to all.
This morning after our puppies had opened their gifts and eaten their doggie treats from the stocking, which had been hung by the fireplace with care, I went up to our second floor patio to look at our world. At this time of the year we usually have heavy fog which is burned off by the sun between 9:00 and 10:00 a.m. It is a beautiful experience watching the sun burn off the fog. Slowly the sun becomes brighter and brighter, the sky bluer, the fir and spruce trees across the meadow in front of our house begin taking form. Large birds begin assembling in their respective places in the trees to begin catching the morning sun rays as they throw off the chill of the night.
Slowly, as the fog lifts you can see the top of the mountains which lie across the lake to our north. As the mountains come into view the lake is still hidden. The sun rises higher and the view of the shore near our house comes into view. Then quicker and quicker the shape and contours of the lake come into view. Within minutes the lake shimmers in the morning sun, the herons can be seen far out in the center of the lake slowly circling as they search for their morning meal. The sky becomes a deep Mayan blue and the world is once again awakened for the new day.
This Christmas morning the magic of the unveiling new day occurred around 10:00 a.m. As I stood on the patio I looked toward the lake and there, before my eyes, a rainbow appeared in the lake. Then a second rainbow appeared simultaneously a couple of hundred yards beyond the first rainbow. As I watched, the colors became more intense. In the water, from the left were colors as follows: purple, blue, green, yellow and finally a reddish/orange brown. As I write this the rainbow is still upon the lake and it's colors still intensifying.
The second rainbow lost it's colors after about 30 minutes and then ghostly images appeared in the water. It looked as if ten or fifteen human like figures stood shoulder to shoulder looking in our direction or perhaps looking at the rainbow, still intensely colorful. I saw nothing that could have been reflecting in the water.
These entities looked like the "watchers" as they silently stood in place gazing. At times they seemed to be moving or dancing upon the water. Who were they?Were they water spirits come to view the spectacular lake rainbow? Their dancing continued for 30 minutes or so seemingly enjoying this Christmas morning, a dance of joy. Perhaps they were Christmas angels providing a special gift for my wife and I to enjoy.
How did this occur? Was there a rainbow from the sun over our house and the end of it in the lake. Are we in the middle of the rainbow, which we can't see above or around us, but can only see where it ends? Is the rainbow on the lake where the pot of gold is located? Is the rainbow and entities in the lake a sign to us? Who or what were these figures who appeared to be watching? A sign of peace and goodwill for us to understand that the madness of the world may be about to meet its match?
I have lived 57 years and have never seen such a phenomenon. Perhaps it is a once in a lifetime opportunity. If so, I am thankful on this Christmas day, this day of peace and goodwill to others, that my wife and I were able to experience such a joyful phenomenon.
May peace, forever more, be in all our lives.